Between Shifts is a collection of vignettes in poetry depicting a camera’s eye view into the worlds of conflict and compassion, relationships and love, life and death, growth and understanding…

For Sally Gallot-Reeves, poetry is a medium meant to share, reassuring others how meaningful their insights, feelings, and fears are in this world we transition in. They are not alone.
Sally resides in New Hampshire where she continues her literary work and creates sanctuary space for all living things.

She is the author of the Soul Garden Pathway website and their daily blessings.
You may visit her website and contact her through

Reviews for Between Shifts

"Persuasive and compelling poems that connect everyday life and spiritual grace."

Kirkus Review

"Between Shifts is an absorbing, fiercely emotional yet pensive collection of poems. It belongs on the bookshelves of those who love contemporary poetry."

Blue Ink Review

"Sally Gallot-Reeves is a poet of witness. This lets each reader place their own emotion onto the piece. With Between Shifts she is able to hold the concrete and the ethereal in one palm."

Clarion Review